
I can't find everything myself.  My email just now is - get in touch with me.


If you're in a band and want to show me yr music, go for it.  Don't piss me off harassing me or anything, but yeah- if you're good I'll probably review yr CD or something, if I haven't found you already.

Guest Writers

I'm also open to guest editorials- if you've got something you feel strongly enough about you want to write something on it, and you think it would fit with the blog, send it my way.  I can't promise I'll like it but you never know- if I like what I see I'll (carefully) edit it and fire it on.


If you were at a gig I've covered and took photos, by all means fire them my way.  Ideally I'll be working with photographers anyway, but I'll try and put yr pics up if they're any good- I'll give full credit and a link to yr site or whatever you want.